Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Negative list.

                 THINGS I HATE

  • Waking up knowing it's going to be a hard day.
  • Shoes coming untied almost immediately after tying them.
  • Useless, lazy, busy work.
  • Cold mornings.
  • When my name get's spelled wrong.
  • Waiting for a girl to reply to a text.
  • When she never does.
  • When my dog eats my food.
  • Group assignments.
  • Not knowing what to talk about.
  • When I tell a joke and no one laughs, or worse, when they think I'm serious.
  • That the smell of broccoli makes me gag.
  • When a light is left on at night.
  • Red lights.
  • When I over-analyze what someone says.
  • Cinnamon candy.
  • That I don't have very good grades.
  • People who judge someone's character based on athletic ability.
  • That the new Star Wars isn't coming out until next year.
  • Random musical numbers outside of a musical. 
  • Having to wear a tie.
  • Casual, unnecessary swearing.
  • People that think anonymity means they can be a jerk.
  • Computer crashes.
  • Spending money.
  • Not spending money.
  • Remembering embarrassing moments as I fall asleep.
  • When I see people kissing in the halls.
  • Power outages.
  • The taste of gluten-free bread.
  • Deadlines.
  • Writer's block.
  • When something doesn't live up to it's hype.
  • Feeling tired even when it's not that late.
  • Feelings of inadequacy. 
  • Being ignored.
  • Getting treated as if I have low intelligence or have some sort of mental disorder.
  • That that last thing seems to happen a lot and I don't know why.
  • That my cousin's a drunk and some other's have lost there way.
  • That my grandfather hates my faith and church, and no longer wants anything to do with me or my family.
  • Negative lists.
  • Forced irony.  


  1. related to most, if not all of this list. thanks for the post.

  2. "People that think anonymity means they can be a jerk"

    Cant think of anything clever to say about that besides the fact that I really like it.
    Good work
