Calvin Watterson
Monday, January 12, 2015
Book Review-Magician
This was an interesting book to say the least. It's technically two books, as it's one split into two parts, Apprentice and Master. It is a fantasy, so if that isn't your thing, I would have a hard time recommending it to you. But if it is, or you don't care, definitely read it.
This book is basically about a war between the medieval west versus the medieval east. So if middle earth got invaded by feudal Japan basically. It was different though because there is very little clear cut villains, it was very grey. It was more just two conflicting ideals at war, neither are really right or wrong, with good and bad on both sides.
The story mostly follows the main character Pug, who is caught between the two sides as he grows in ability as a magician, if a bit forcibly, throughout the fourteen year war.
It has just the right amount of unpredictable to keep it interesting, without it getting ridiculous. If you like fantasy or just something different, I highly recommend it.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Time to Confess
I guess I feel a little guilty, maybe a little ashamed I guess. They say hind-sight is 20/20, and that is very true to me right now. I haven't been honest, not really. I've let it out in small bits, but not in the way that all you have.
I regret that now.
I'm not sure of what I'm trying to say. I've been worried about this for a long time, a sort of fear has festered that people would think of me as less, because I just haven't been... honest.
I did want to, just every time I tried to sit down and type, a deep anxiety filled me, it's scary for me to talk about myself because I rarely do and I prefer hearing others, even under an alias and even on a blog it's hard. Many times I felt like it was easier to not do anything.
So I was a coward.
But that is something I want to end. Not next year, next month, next week, or even tomorrow. But today. I will continue this blog even after the semester is over or maybe I should say truly start for the very first time. It wasn't until I was able to put a face and a name to some of you, that it truly hit home for me, if finally became real. I've been a tourist, I understood that before, but now more than ever. do I realize I need to change.
But first you should get to know me a bit.
I am a senior and nearly 18 and yet I still don't have my license.
I absolutely love a good story of any kind, and a dream of mine is to become a master of storytelling. I am fond of and very much enjoy action and adventure, swords, guns, explosions and the like. However, I've always been a sucker for a good romance, yet I've never really had a relationship, though I have felt love's sting.
I may seem quiet and maybe a bit timid at school, but find me with my friends and I'm the most loud and obnoxious of the bunch.
I've always loved dogs and when my dog died four years ago, I was heart broken and I still miss him everyday.
I was born with severe flat-footedness, so my feet have never been able to support me as well as they should, and it causes a lot of pain when I'm up too long, as such I've never been good at sports, and that has colored my reputation for as long as I can remember.
Video games have become important to me, sounds pretty silly and pathetic to some of you, but I'm sure some of you will completely understand. It was a way for me to learn new things, hear new bold tales and adventures, and it was and is a way for me to escape, at least for a time, my anxiety and those crushing feelings of inadequacy.
Books also, as they have acted in much of the same role, there have been many sleepless nights because I was halfway through and I needed to find out how it ends, and I didn't want to face the next day.
I haven't talked to my grandpa in years. Even though we share a first name, he wants nothing to do with my family or what we believe in.
If you're still with me, thank you. I'ts been heavy, a lot of emotions have ruptured in me today.
Until next time, but you don't have to call me Calvin Watterson any more,
Instead call me Michael Wells
Sunday, November 9, 2014
The Great Machine
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Simple |
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The One Thing
The Trap
Do you want to know what tourism really is? It's more than just laziness or not wanting to participate, it is far more sinister than that. Tourism is a liar. It leads you astray telling you that you can always just catch up later. It is a parasite. It hides in your heart, builds up clots and feeds on your soul.
This is a warning, don't fall for it's musings like I have done.
It can destroy from within.
It's a trap that I pray I can escape from.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
I don't know why.
My legs shake and my stomach turns when I see you, and I dont know why.
I smile when you smile, and I don't know why.
I want to just hold your hand for a moment, and I don't know why.
I try hard to make you laugh, and I don't know why.
I look forward to talking with you, and I don't know why.
I feel awful when I forget to tell you something, and I don't know why.
I sneak a glance at you whenever I can, and I don't know why.
I feel both awkard and happy around you, and I don't know why.
I like taking you out and seeing you have fun, and I don't know why.
I find myself praying on your behalf, and I don't know why.
I enjoy learning about you, and I don't know why.
I hope you like seeing me to, and I don't know why.
I want to know how you truly feel about me, and I don't know why.
The Positive List
- Waking up and finding out I can go back to sleep.
- Laying down on a nice green hill.
- Squashing a spider.
- Gummy Bears
- When I finally figure out how to fix something.
- Blue ink pens.
- Hearing a great song I haven't heard in years.
- Getting paid to do something easy.
- Showering after a camp out.
- When I can be weird.
- Using my dog as a pillow.
- Calvin and Hobbes...obviously.
- You, for reading this.
- When the light is green.
- Cheesecake.
- Luigi.
- Winning by a landslide.
- Nearly anything about space.
- Sounding intelligent about a subject I know nothing about.
- Listening to interesting people.
- When the computer finally boots up.
- Star Wars.
- Venting to a friend.
- Peanut Butter sandwiches.
- Living so close to mountains.
- Going on vacations.
- Getting my money's worth at a buffet.
- Not following the rules in sports.
- Hugs.
- Yelling really loud.
- Finishing at just the nick of time.
- Getting new stuff.
- Sleeping in class, and getting away with it.
- Having nothing to do.
- Saturday.
- New stuff.
- Finally finishing this post.