Sunday, October 26, 2014

The One Thing

I fear.

                                          Many things scare me.



The future




The unknown

                                         But there is one thing that terrifies me.

            Sometimes when I'm alone or everything's silent, strange things happen to me. I'll notice footsteps in another room when no one could make them. I'll hear voices and hushed tones behind my back when no one's behind me. I'll see, for a brief moment out of the corner of my eye, someone I don't recognize.

And I don't know which I should be more afraid of...

That it's all in my head, or that i'ts not.

The Trap

Do you want to know what tourism really is? It's more than just laziness or not wanting to participate, it is far more sinister than that. Tourism is a liar. It leads you astray telling you that you can always just catch up later. It is a parasite. It hides in your heart, builds up clots and feeds on your soul.

  This is a warning, don't fall for it's musings like I have done.

It can destroy from within.

It's a trap that I pray I can escape from.